Likes: 565. 10-1: Reception Poor. This answer is not useful. In 1948, LAPD's mobile "talk-in" channels were shifted up to this "VHF" band, in the 154-155 mc segment, at which time the venerable KMA367 callsign was first assigned. The police alphabet: an important ‘language’ for LAPD Call Signs : You've probably heard police shows use call signs like 1 Adam 12. KGPL | L.A. Noire Wiki | Fandom Working with LAPD Calls The Communications Center dispatches for the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Criminal Investigators, Road Patrol, Navigation and Correction Divisionâs transports. LAPD Bug Fix for crash when callin … 11-56 Officer is being followed by auto containing dangerous persons. Rwandese Republic. Ford Police Interceptor Utility. Search Search. Riverside CA Police Call Signs The basic features of a portable radio b. Radio O = Ocean. Likes: 608. LAPD Radio Codes -
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