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tri blackstar or tet offin

Legend. Most green helmets have higher evasion than Giath, about 4% TET green vs TET boss and 6% PEN green vs TET boss. So, I'm a Succesion Maehwa who focusses mainly on PvE at around 230 AP. Critical Hit+ 2. 24450. Ausgangspunkt ist entweder die PEN Tuvala-Ausrüstung aus der Saison oder TET Boss-Ausrüstung der normalen Server. Nov. 2020 update! tri blackstar or tet offin - rheedesigns.com - Description: Gauntlet containing a condensed form of Offin Tett's light energy. Offin Tett’s Light Fragment works like the Latent Aura of other World Bosses. TRI Blackstar, then get TET Blackstar. Accept Payments: Paypal F&F or Paysafecard. BDO Caphras Sheet: TET Chart & Spreadsheet | GrumpyG When this is written the buyout price is about 2 million for a single stone. Casting Speed+ 2. High DR stats with some evasion, making them better than Muskans for this build. A strong force is felt from the condensed radiant energy. Blackstar parts can be upgraded from + -0 to +15 with Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) or Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon). Blackstar Blackstar Shortsword. Tri blackstar enhance = tet zarka enhance, tet blackstar has the same enhance rate as pen zarka. Caphras Stones Explained - [BDO

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tri blackstar or tet offin