The Eighth House in astrology is classically the domain of Sex, Death, the Occult and Other People's Money. In 2006, she released her debut single "Tim McGraw", which peaked at number six on the Billboard country charts. The 7th house rules your first spouse; the 9th house rules your . The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th, 12 th, 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. The Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis tends to be more significant when it has a natal planet falling on it, especially a personal planet, because it will be connected to the energy of that planet, and when anything hits that planet, it's also hitting your Vertex, and vice versa. When activated, it synchronizes the experience with that of another whose influence accounts for an enigmatic experience. Virgo in the 7th house has a caring energy in relationships that prioritizes the well-being of others. As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your "inner world." As someone who has had . The Vertex in Relationships is one of the key components in two lovers being fated together. Virgo in the 7th house. If you have the Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Leo you will attract a partner who gives as much respect as they give. Perhaps some people would like to see many close relationships from a packed Seventh . The relationship spent 25 yrs as an affair. The 7 th House is the one of partnership, but the Leo sign can influence people to not admit others have rights as well, including in partnerships. So if the 7th house is the relationship then the 6th house is the loss of relationship or divorce. This is why individuals may end up dating their complete opposite zodiac sign, as the saying goes: "opposite attract.". . Composite vertex @24 Gem in the 7th. I apparently fall into the 6th house. The Vertex! What is yours and how has it manifested in your life? Vertex In 7th House - YouTube Even More Astrology Lessons - The Dark Pixie Astrology
vertex in 7th house