There are a whopping 96 categories to choose from that occupy a space of 71.91GB. Wotlk Pvp Class Rankings - XpCourse. You unlock your first ability of interest at Level 3. 3v3 Arena. For druids leveling as feral is the fastest with almost no … world of warcraft 3.3 5a hunter guide. Remember Fel Iron can be skilled up all the way to 375+ if you wish and you can skip the other sections of this leveling guide. Druid Leveling Guide After seeing so many threads every week from a new druid looking for either information about which spec to level with or general tips for druid leveling, I … Imposter. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter … Maybe we need this guide to improve survival awareness. Sure, Frost and Unholy have times better AoE, but they cannot possibly compare with Blood's sustain and massive burst on 1 target. Warmane Staff wishes everyone a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year! … I actually had to experiment with a horde character before being able to write this guide (i was playing in warmane server). PVP Marksmanship Hunter Guide The Black Market: 3 /0/ 0. PVP LADDER. Importance of Ranged Weapons for Classic Hunters Classic Hunters are extremely dependent on their ranged weapons for dealing damage, at leveling and end-game, as much of your damage will come from Auto Shot while weaving in and , both abilities which scale with weapon damage.You can learn more about the rotation on our Classic WoW Hunter Rotation … WOTLK Hunter Pre-Raid BiS Protection Warrior Leveling in WoTLK Wotlk Get a ferocity pet aka a cat/tiger, grants u the agi buff wich is the best buff for u as a hunter, until u reach lvl 81-82 a ferocity pet shud be fine to tank most questmobs after that u'd want a tenacity pet. Legs: Leather-Braced Chain Leggings from Loken in Halls of Lightning or. Any spec is fine though, wrath levelling isn't too rough. General Information. Paladin] Leveling - Talents and Tips But it is also very important to know the fastest route to level 80 if you want to get 80 as quickly as possible! Survival Hunter has good damage, good utility, good flexibility & good survivability. Most of your BiS list is going to be the same as MM due to the fact that haste is lowest presence for both specs. Today I'll be explaining the best … PVP Survival Hunter Guide - (WotLK) Wrath of the Lich King …
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